Essential Oils For Toothache
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Tooth pain often hits us without any warning and induces unbearable pain. This is often indicative of gum disease and other cavity related issues that often can’t be sorted overnight. This is where essential oils are a godsend in helping to alleviate toothache whilst you wait for your next dental appointment. You should do extensive research to ensure that you are selecting the best oil to manage your toothache. Read to discover which essential oils are the most effective in dealing with this all consuming pain.
What are essential oils?
Essential oils are made from botanical compounds that have been extracted from certain plants. There are numerous parts of the plants that are utilized during this process including the fruit, stem, leaf, root and flower. There are approximately 100 differing types of essential oils and each of these has their own distinctively unique scent and health benefits. They have been used for medical purposes for centuries and have proven to be endlessly effective. The best oils to use for toothache include clove oil, lavender oil, peppermint oil and frankincense.
Clove Oil
This oil is specifically extracted from clove flower buds. This oil is high in the chemical compound, eugenol, that has notable anti-inflammatory and antibacterial benefits and properties. This compound makes up approximately 90% of Clove Oil. This makes it highly effective for reducing toothache and any gum related pain as it reduces the bacteria that can cause cavities.
Scientists have analyzed clove oil’s positive effects on teeth and have determined that the oil does reduce the likelihood of decalcification that can corrode tech and damage the core enamel, leading to decay. They also discovered that clove oil has the potential to remineralize teeth, strengthening the enamel further. This oil therefore protects teeth from the roots and prevents the heightened sensations that can arise from eating hot or cold food products. In order to use clove oil effectively, you need to rub it directly onto the sensitive tooth in question. If this is uncomfortable then you should dilute the clove oil with a teaspoon of olive oil. Soak a soft implement like a cotton ball into your mixture and apply to the painful spot for approximately ten minutes. You should repeat this several times during the day when any pain begins to arise.
Lavender has the sweetest scene out of all of the essential oils which makes it the most popular selection for aromatherapy sessions. It has been utilized effectively for centuries. Although it’s positive effects with regards to easing toothache haven’t been extensively studied, it is well known to alleviate the psychological perceptions associated with pain. This is because taking deep inhalations of lavender oil has been proven to reduce anxiety levels and thus decrease the symptoms of pain. Numerous pain related studies have found that this is applicable across all age groups and people with a variety of long and short term health conditions. This oil also contains a compound called linalool which is proven to have antibacterial qualities. This is why lavender oil can be utilized effectively to reduce plaque and thus, fight cavities. To use this oil proficiently, place it in a diffuser or purchase a lavender scented candle and light it accordingly, inhaling the scent deeply. Drinking lavender tea is also a fast way of ensuring that these properties reach your tooth and alleviate symptoms of toothache.
This oil is extracted from the flowers of the peppermint plant. It’s main component is menthol and as this is classified as an analgesic, it alleviates pain easily and effectively. It has a similar effect on the skin and soothes irritations almost instantly. Peppermint has also been proven to be beneficial for reducing the build up of biofilm on teeth which is why it is commonly found in mouthwash and most toothpaste brands. To use peppermint directly, soak a peppermint based tea bag in water and then apply directly to the affected tooth.
This oil is extracted from the resin of the Boswellia tree. It’s alternative name is olibanum. Studies have shown that frankincense has undoubted anti-inflammatory qualities. The properties of this oil are proven to reduce the effects of painful inflammation by inhibiting the enzyme that releases damaging leukotrienes that cause inflammation in the body. Frankincense has also been proven to contain antibacterial properties, making it highly beneficial for fighting gum disease and any cavities that may occur. To apply this oil, you can rub it directly onto your sensitive tooth or teeth, it can also be diluted with olive oil if this is particularly uncomfortable.
Is it safe to use?
All of these essential oils are safe to use to alleviate the symptoms of toothache pain. You should always make sure that you source and purchase the highest quality oils as these oils are unregulated by the FDA. A well-known supplier is your best option and you should always read the packaging to ensure that these oils haven’t been contaminated by or diluted by additional ingredients that may be unsafe to consume. These oils can also cause allergic reactions. Do make sure that you patch test yourself prior to using them to ensure that these oils do not cause any kind of unwanted reaction that will only further enhance your pain and discomfort. If you find that applying these oils is a highly uncomfortable process, then you should definitely dilute them with distilled water or the carrier oil suggested (olive oil) before applying to the affected area. If your toothache isn’t alleviated and your pain is a prolonged experience, then you should make an emergency appointment with your dentist, especially if this process is accompanied with a fever, oozing pus and substantial inflammation or swelling. Ultimately, these oils are a short-term fix to what is potentially a longer term issue, so make sure that you consult with your dentist regardless and book yourself in for your next dental appointment.