What to eat after a detox cleanse
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A detox cleanse, or juice cleanse, is one of the most popular reset diets. They claim to help you shed excess weight fast and easily. It is hard to argue with the results flying about on the internet, but the problem is that many people quickly put back on the weight after finishing the cleanse.
This is due to 2 main factors. The first is that most people are not aware of how to correctly resume eating following a cleanse to ensure that your body is not overwhelmed. The second is that you have unrealistic weight-loss expectations from a detox cleanse. While you will likely drop some weight and appear slimmer, the majority of this is likely to be water weight and excess food in your stomach that have been excreted during the cleanse. As you begin to eat normal food again the weight will pop back on.
Short-term, crash diets are not sustainable and will never help you to achieve long-term weight loss. If you want to achieve this, the best way to do so is by making healthy food choices, staying hydrated, and exercising regularly.
If you are still interested in doing a detox cleanse, we are here to take you through what you should eat once it has finished. This can help you to remain feeling and looking healthier.
Whole foods
The term whole foods refers to foods that are as close to their natural state as possible. This means no processed or refined foods - these tend to be convenience foods. This will require more preparation and forethought on your part, but the results speak for themselves.
Organic fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds, and ancient grains are all good, healthy food choices.
Fruits and vegetables
Everyone knows that you should be aiming for 5 portions of fruits and vegetables each day. Ideally, you will be eating 2 portions of fresh fruit, and 3 portions of raw, roasted, or steamed vegetables. Many people prefer to boil their vegetables, but we do not recommend this. When they boil, many of the nutrients seep out into the water in the pot, which is then thrown away. This reduces the nutritional value of the food.
Fruits and vegetables are vital not only for their vitamin and mineral content, but also the fiber that is found within them. This is important for the optimal health of your bowels and digestive system.
Click here for an easy and delicious way to drink your vegetables.
Healthy fats
Healthy fats such as avocados, nuts, and seeds are an essential component of a healthy and balanced diet. Many people shy away from fatty foods when they are trying to lose weight, but fats will help to keep you fuller for longer and reduce the chances of you reaching for a snack.
Lower your sugar intake
Sugars form a vital part of a healthy diet, but it is important to ensure that they are coming from the right sources. Refined sugars, such as those in chocolate, candy, and syrups, are not healthy and can have a number of adverse effects on your body.
Refined sugars are much more difficult for your body to break down during digestion and make the transition back onto solid food after your detox cleanse much harder. Try to opt for natural sugars, such as those in fruits instead.
Avoid alcohol and caffeine
Following a detox cleanse where you have cut alcohol and caffeine out of your diet completely, your body will be increasingly sensitive to these stimulants. You can begin to incorporate caffeine back into your diet from day 2 post-cleanse, but do not start at the same level as before. We advise ½ cup of coffee on the first day and gradually increase from this point.
It is also wise to wait at least a week after you have completed your detox cleanse to begin incorporating alcohol back into your diet. This is because alcohol must be filtered by your liver to remove the toxins. Your liver has already been working overtime during the detox cleanse, so try to give it time to catch up before overwhelming it again.
Stay hydrated
There are very few health issues that cannot be improved with a good level of hydration. You should aim to drink around 2 liters of water each day, and just wait until you see the health benefits. The most notable include clearer skin, increased energy levels, and a smoothly working digestive system.
Herbal teas and hot water with lemon are great drinks to consume if you fancy more of a variation. These are also very kind to your digestive system.
The first 3 days
The first 3 days post-detox cleanse are the most important for retaining the health benefits. On day 1 you should aim to eat 3 small meals of easily digestible foods. These could include bananas and melons, vegetable soup, or green beans. It is advised that you drink at least 2 liters of water or herbal teas during the day to remain hydrated.
On day 2 you can begin to incorporate small volumes of grains such as rice and quinoa. At this point, you can also add in some healthy fats such as peanut butter, nuts, and avocado. These will provide you with healthy nutrients and will keep you feeling fuller for longer. We also advise having some sweet potatoes to boost your fiber, calcium, and iron intake. You should still be consuming at least 2 liters of fluids. If you are desperate to get your caffeine fix, you can have a small cup of coffee, although do not exceed this.
On day 3 post-cleanse you can begin to reintroduce dairy or dairy alternatives to your diet. Increase the quantities of fruits and veggies that you are eating. We advise using this day to incorporate easily-digestible protein sources such as eggs, chicken, or tofu.
From day 4 onwards you can return to a normal diet with no restrictions. If you wish to keep seeing results, you should adopt a healthy and well-balanced diet, limiting processed foods and refined sugars.